We are and always have been passionate about health and fitness.
Our training methods are built around the unique abilities and goals of each one of our clients, with the aim of not only transforming bodies, but also enriching lifestyles.
We're genuine, experienced and successful, and we're here to help you.​ At The Base, we take a team approach. We're on this journey with you, together, every step of the way.
We work with a range of clients, from people with health issues wanting to improve their overall well-being to athletes wanting to be competition ready.
Health isn't just a diet plan - we are dedicated to educating our clients on the power of both food and exercise, and the benefits they bring to our bodies for an "everlasting lifestyle".​
Our head coaches, Michelle Richards and Sam Mussared, have a keen interest in general fitness, well-being and preparing clients for competitions.​
We're a family in every sense of the word. Our team has been in the fitness industry for several years and individually we have won numerous awards and competitive titles at a State, National & International level in our respective fields.
In September 2014, Michelle successfully competed in an individual event at the Arnold Classic held in Madrid, Spain. We set our goals high and we do the same for your goals too!
Not only do we have personal experience in the industry, we also have the education to support our experience and success. The Base team are experienced personal trainers, experts in mentoring, coaching and assisting our clients with personal development.
We utilise our education and training in Metabolic Precision, Bio Print & Bio Signature to achieve the best results for you on your individual journey.
If you're thinking of getting fit, losing weight or interested in competing, please contact us now and we can work together to create a new you!